Texas PGR Challenge Coin
Patriot Guard Riders Of Texas
Texas PGR Challenge Coin
Code of Conduct for PGR Members
Posted: 06/04/2015

As a PGR Member:
I will adhere to the Patriot Guard Riders (PGR) mission and vision statements, and incorporate the principles contained therein into all my actions as a PGR member.

I will treat other PGR members with the same dignity and respect I would expect for myself.

I will remember that my PGR membership role is a position of responsibility to those we serve.

I will do everything in my power to demonstrate to Gold and Blue Star families, and families of veterans and home-front first-responders that the PGR honors them for the service and sacrifice of their loved ones. This is extended to activities honoring living individuals and units of these organizations. I will remember that our mission to honor these families and their wishes is my main priority as a PGR member.

I recognize that my interactions with law-enforcement, government officials and the military reflect on the entire Patriot Guard Riders organization and can have far-reaching implications for those relationships in other areas. I will act accordingly, respecting the protocols and regulations of those agencies.

In any interaction with the media and general public, I will avoid actions or communications which would negatively impact the reputation of good will toward the PGR. This includes actions which could present the appearance of political activism on behalf of PGR. The PGR is a non-political organization. I agree to maintain a strict non-political stance when representing the PGR in any capacity.

Harassment Policy:
Patriot Guard Riders affirms support of and adherence to the policies of the Government of United States, to provide equal opportunity in all programs, and activities for all members, regardless of their race, color, religion, sex, national origin, age, disability, sexual orientation, parental status, and genetic information.

The PGR strongly believes in an inclusive, volunteer environment that utilizes and values the unique qualities of our diverse membership. Capitalizing on the full potential of our diverse human capital and respecting the uniqueness and differences in cultures and values is fundamental to our success.

The PGR is committed to preventing and correcting harassment in ALL forms of
communications with our Members, soldiers and their families we serve, and any entity with whom our organization must work.

Harassment is defined as unwelcome conduct that interferes with any official PGR position, work, or performance or creates an intimidating, hostile or offensive environment. Examples of behaviors that may be forms of harassment include, but are not limited to, unwelcome physical contact, stalking, obscene gestures or sounds, slurs, and posting of written or graphic material that denigrates or shows hostility toward an individual or group. Key factors of harassment under federal law are the severity and frequency of the misconduct. An isolated incident may not rise to the level of illegal harassment.

Harassment by anyone in the PGR is prohibited. All members are encouraged to report incidents of alleged harassment immediately. Swift, thorough and impartial investigation of harassment allegations will be conducted and appropriate action will be taken.

The PGR Board of Directors wishes to strongly emphasize that it is the responsibility of each and every member of the PGR to always promote and engage in practices free of discrimination and harassment, and to ensure that the doors of justice, equality, opportunity, and inclusion are open to all.

This Code of Conduct is applicable to activities or communications occurring on the PGR web site, forums and in mission staging areas, during PGR missions, events, or gatherings under the PGR name as well as member to member communication and/or contact when it is apparent that said contact was initiated because of PGR activities.

Enforcement: Failure to comply with the above Code of Conduct and/or the Harassment Policy may be grounds for removal as a member.

Bobby "kawabob" Stroka
State Captain
Texas Patriot Guard Riders